Friday, March 12, 2010

Wedding Day #3

The actual wedding was super simple. The bride and groom would be conducted to the family altar, where they paid homage to the Heaven and Earth, the family ancestors, and the Kitchen God. Tea, generally with two lotus seeds or two red dates in the cup, was offered to the groom’s parents. The bride and groom would then bow to each other and that would end the ceremony.

Immediately after the ceremony, the bride and groom were led to the bridal chamber. For the rest of the day, the room was open to visitors who could tease the couple.

The wedding banquet was generally a banquet for each family and their friends. The biggest deal was for the grooms family as a public assurance of the wedding.

One day after the wedding, the bride awakens early to be introduced to the grooms family and friends. She is then given a title depending on the grooms seniority in the family hierarchy.

Three days after the wedding, the bride and groom go to the brides family, but the bride is then received as a guest.