Friday, March 12, 2010

Preparations for the wedding

Traditionally, in preparation of the wedding, the bride and a few of her closest friends will be secluded into a separate part of the house to mourn of the bride being wed. They will often curse the husband, his family, and even the bride-to-be's family for separating the bride and her friends. The bride would emerge from seclusion on her wedding day.

On the grooms side, preparation was to prepare the wedding bed. The groom would chose someone with a lot of kids (kind of like good luck, cause the more kids you have, the better) and they would 'install' the newly purchased bed for the newlyweds. The funny part is that the servants would be the ones to actually install the bed. The 'installing' that the friend would do was just to move it slightly. It was more of a ceremony than actual labor. For extra fertility, they would have many children scramble the bed for red dates, oranges, lotus seeds, peanuts, pomegranates and other fruits. This all supposedly increased fertility.
